The Best Books Eksamenoefenboek for Grade 12 Afrikaans Home Language is a learner-friendly workbook that provides learners with a wide variety of language exercises in preparation of exams. Valuable hints and practical ideas with accessible examples are provided for the answering of Papers 1 and 3. The language exercises and hints will help the struggling and progressive Home Language learner to succeed in the exam.
This exercise book
has been compiled according to the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement and the latest edition of the Afrikaanse woordelys en spelreëls.
comprises language exercises to test the learner’s theory based on a variety of text types.
provides hints with examples in preparation of tests and exams.
contains four exemplary examination papers of Papers 1 and 3.
provides ample space for learners’ answers for easy revision and reference.
is suitable for use in the classroom or at home.